1. Who is the data controller

  • Registered Trademark: GASHOR ® is a trademark registered at the SPTO whose owner is EQUIPOS DE PANIFICACIÓN, SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA.
  • VAT ID: F20136016
  • Postal address: Bulandegi Bidea, 26, 20159 Zizurkil (Gipuzkoa)
  • Phone: +34 943 690 100
  • Contact:
  • Basque Cooperative Registry Data: registered in the Basque Cooperative Registry under number 86.3.186, Folio 408.

EQUIPOS DE PANIFICACIÓN, SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA –hereinafter, GASHOR ®–, as the party responsible for the website, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of 27 April, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter, “RGPD”), and Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on information society services and electronic commerce (LSSICE), informs you that it has implemented the necessary security measures, of a technical and organizational nature, to guarantee and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data entered.

2. What principles do we apply in the processing of your personal data?

In processing your personal data, we will apply the following principles that comply with the requirements of the GDPR:

  • Principle of lawfulness, fairness and transparency: We will always seek your consent to the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes and we will inform you in advance with absolute transparency.
  • Data minimization principle: You will only be asked for the data strictly necessary in relation to the purposes of the processing to be carried out.
  • Principle of limitation of the storage period: Your personal data will only be kept for the time strictly necessary for the purposes of the processing.
  • Principle of integrity and confidentiality: Your data will be treated in a way that guarantees, as far as possible, the appropriate security of your personal data and, to this end, we have adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure security and prevent the alteration, loss, unauthorized processing or access to your personal data.

3. What is the purpose of the treatment

Your personal data will only be used for the following purposes:

  1. Management of the commercial or pre-contractual relationship with the customer, preparation of quotations, order tracking, etc.
  2. Management of the administrative relationship with customers, as well as billing and collection of products or services requested by customers.
  3. Manage the commercial relationship with potential customers and the preparation of quotations or offers.
  4. Manage requests or requests of any kind made through the contact form of the Web Portal, or through other means of contact such as email or telephone.
  5. To keep customers and potential customers of the Data Controller informed about products and services, news, events, contests, sweepstakes and other content of interest related to the Data Controller.

Failure to consent to the processing of personal data described under points 1) to 4) may result in GASHOR ® not being able to properly handle your request. Likewise, we inform you that we will not treat your personal data for purposes other than those described herein except by legal obligation or court order.

4. What will be the duration of the treatment

The data of the interested parties will be kept for the duration of the commercial and/or administrative relationship or, if applicable, until the interested party withdraws his or her consent. Subsequently, they will be blocked until the applicable statute of limitations expires.

5. What is the legitimacy of the treatment

The legal basis for data processing is as follows:

  1. Consent of the data subject or user: the data subject consented to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes. For example, to prepare the offer or quotation requested by the customer.
  2. Performance of a contract: the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or for the implementation at his request of pre-contractual measures. For example, to process the contracting of the requested services or products.
  3. Legal obligation: the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the data controller. For example, to comply with the legal and tax obligations of the Data Controller.
  4. Legitimate interest of the Data Controller: the processing is necessary for the satisfaction of legitimate interests pursued by the Data Controller or by a third party. For example, to inform the customer about a service incident.

6. Which minors may consent to the processing of their personal information

The GDPR authorizes minors to consent to the processing of their personal data when they are over fourteen years of age. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is reported that, due to the activity carried out, GASHOR ® does not process data of minors. Therefore, if you are not yet 18 years of age, please refrain from making any request or application through this website.

7. Where the information is stored

The information provided is stored on the servers of GASHOR ® or in suppliers and data processing companies that have servers in the territory of the European Union.

8. Assignment and transfer

The personal data provided will not be transferred to third parties, except in the following cases:

  1. State Security Forces and Corps, Judges, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Courts and Tribunals and other Public Administrations or Authorities: in the event that they so require in the exercise of their powers, subject to the appropriate legal or judicial requirement.
  2. Others (notaries, attorneys, notaries and lawyers): in case it is required to meet legal needs that may arise for the legal defense of the interests of the Data Controller.

No international transfers have been identified.

9. Where interested persons can exercise their rights

You may request before GASHOR ® the exercise of the rights indicated in the following point by submitting a letter to the postal address in the heading or by sending an email to and attaching a photocopy of the ID card or any other analogous document in law, as indicated by law.

If you no longer wish to receive mailings from GASHOR ®, you can unsubscribe by clicking on the link at the bottom of all our messages.

10. What rights do the interested parties have

Right of access: allows the data subject to know and obtain information about their personal data subject to processing.

Right of rectification or suppression: allows you to correct errors and modify data that is inaccurate or incomplete.

Right of cancellation: allows the deletion of data that is inadequate or excessive.

Right of opposition: the right of the data subject not to have his or her personal data processed or to have the processing of such data stopped.

Limitation of processing: involves the marking of the personal data retained, in order to limit their future processing.

Data portability: provision of the processed data to the data subject, so that he/she can transmit it to another data controller without hindrance.

The right not to be subject to automated individual decisions for which the data subject has not given his or her consent (including profiling).

The right not to be subject to a decision based on automated processing that produces effects or significantly affects.

Right to withdraw consent at any time.
The data subject also has the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency) if he/she believes that his/her rights with respect to the protection of his/her data may have been violated.

11. How is the security of the data we process ensured?

GASHOR ®, in response to the trust placed in us and taking into account the importance in terms of protection and confidentiality that require the user’s personal data, informs you that it has taken all the necessary technical and organizational measures to safeguard their security, as required by current regulations governing the regulation of security means of files containing personal data.

12. How we treat personal data in Social Networks

GASHOR ® is not responsible for the processing of personal data by the various Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.). In this sense, if you wish to know how your personal data is treated in the aforementioned media or channels, we recommend that you review their data protection policies.

13. What is our cookie policy

See cookie policy.

14. Where to get more information

For more information on the Privacy Policy, see the preceding sections or contact

15. Changes to this data protection policy

GASHOR ® reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or case law.

16. Last update of the data protection policy

Last update: March 8, 2023.